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Community Advisory Board Meeting Minutes November 7, 2013

Members Present: Megan Boone, Drew Henderson and Dr. Kimberlee Sharp MSPR Staff: Paul Hitchcock Guest(s): N/A

The meeting began at 6:30PM in the studios of Morehead State Public Radio (MSPR) at Morehead State University (MSU).  Drew Henderson, MSPR Community Advisory Board (CAB) vice-chair, welcomed members of the CAB.
Old Business

Minutes of the August 8, 2013 meeting were reviewed. Megan Boone made a motion to approve the meeting minutes as presented. Kimberlee Sharp seconded the motion. The motion passed.

MSPR’s Quarterly Program Report for the period of July – September 2013 was reviewed. Following general discussion, Kimberlee Sharp made a motion to accept the quarterly report. Megan Boone seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Hitchcock mentioned that MSPR’s Fall Fundraiser and Membership campaign is similar to the spring campaign. Through the support of MSU’s Development Office, a call-out campaign was conducted during October. In addition, a direct-mail campaign was targeted to current and past members. MSPR also aired a series of pre-recorded announcements. Hitchcock mentioned gifts are on pace with the spring campaign with more than $12,000 has been gifted to MSPR through these efforts. The campaign will be ongoing through MSPR’s website and will continue through the end of the year.

MSPR’s Online Auction will take place November 8 - 13. Proceeds from the auction will count towards the fall fundraiser total. More than 60 items will be available for bidding. A partial list of auction items was shared with the CAB.

The CAB suggested a general feedback form be placed on MSPR’s (WMKY’s) website (www.wmky.org) for listener comments on programming and services. Hitchcock mentioned there is a feedback form available under the “Support WMKY” tab. The website is limited in space for extra options, but it will be investigated.

Guest Comments

There were no guest comments.

New Business

Hitchcock updated the CAB on the status of the Kentucky Public Radio Network (KPRN). Currently, only five stations are participating in the news-sharing service, which include WMKY as well as WEKU, WKMS, WKYU and LPM. Two stations have left KPRN recently, which include WNKU and WUKY, citing financial, operational and programming issues. WMKY is committed to KPRN through June 30, 2014.

KPRN is using the services of Public Radio Capital to gather data and information on enhanced statewide consolidation. Currently, KPRN offers shared news stories and statewide underwriting. Hitchcock mentioned he will be attending a public radio conference in November to discuss KPRN collaboration and to meet with members of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. A full summary was prepared and shared with the CAB.

Criteria for the 2014 MSPR/CAB Student Leadership Award were discussed by the CAB. Kimberlee Sharp made a motion to accept the award criteria as presented with no changes. Megan Boone seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Closing Comments

Hitchcock asked members of the CAB for suggestions for new board members to begin January 1, 2014. Drew Henderson recognized Julie Ferguson, Jim Fluty and Eric Thomas for their contributions to the CAB and whose terms will be ending on December 31, 2013.

Drew Henderson inquired on the status of new programming to be added to the schedule. Hitchcock said plans are progressing to add some new programming, such as material from KET and new local programs. Beginning in January, “Odd Numbers” hosted by Dr. Doug Chatham, will begin a regular monthly timeslot on the first Friday of the month at 7pm. There are also plans for two additional local news/talk programs in early 2014. Plans are still materializing, but one of the programs will probably be a book review and discussion program.

Megan Boone mentioned there is a disturbing “buzzing” sound with the weekday afternoon stock report. Hitchcock mentioned the report is received by telephone from outside the county and mentioned the issue will be investigated.

The next CAB meeting will take place in MSPR’s studios at 6:00PM on Thursday, February 6, 2014.

There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Megan Boone to adjourn the meeting. Kimberlee Sharp seconded the motion. The motion passed. The meeting concluded at 7:20PM.